Saturday, January 26, 2013


We cranked up the heat this morning and I spent some time in the sewing room. (For the last few months it's been the coldest room in the apartment because we keep it closed off to save on heat.)

I fiddled around choosing fabrics and listening to terrible pop music on my laptop for quite a while. Then, something unexpected occurred - I actually got an opinion from my husband that the current selection looked good. :)

This pattern wasn't difficult to piece at all, though I tried to be careful about trimming as I went to keep things straight.
Basket Weave


  1. I know what you mean about cold sewing rooms - mine is over the garage and has no heat at all. I was out there sorting fabric a couple of days ago and lost feeling in my fingertips so that I couldn't tell polyester from cotton anymore.

    Love the baby quilt -- it's adorable!


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